Education and young people

The areas of action

Education and family services, youth projects and countering school dropout.

We realize numerous multi-target projects, on multiple territories at local, national and international levels, involving multifunctional partners and stakeholders. All of this in order to promote the socio-educational well-being of minors and their families, foster education, inclusion, building relationships and opportunities for educational growth. We particularly target those living in situations of fragility, to prevent the exacerbation of school dropout and social withdrawal also through the constructive use of media, promote youth leadership and active citizenship of young people.



Participatory Start-up Codes is a path of co-construction of the educating community and concerns the neighborhood of San Giorgio in Desio and, as a development of best practices, Villaggio SNIA in Cesano Maderno, both in the need to prevent and counter situations of educational poverty and social marginalization. The wide network of partners and supporters, through training and action-research paths, start with interested citizens and the help of Community Managers, “groups of doing” with different methodologies, in order to understand more appropriate keys to interpret the phenomena, tighten Territorial Pacts and continue active citizenship actions, with the engagement of children, youth, schools, sports associations, oratories, educational agencies and the sensitization of “natural facilitators” of the affected neighborhoods. An exchange action and the launch of a community of practice with a similar network active in Scampia -Naples is planned.


APPEAL addresses school segregation in 12 schools and 8 municipalities, pertaining to 3 different territorial areas: Brianza, North Milan and Garbagnatese.

The project, of which Consorzio is the lead partner, involves several actions including:

– Toolbox: a research-action that studies the phenomenon, compares territories, tests effective practices and training for the educating community.

– Backpacking: implements unusual educational activities, in and out of school, to ensure equity of educational systems for all.

– The “well-maintained” school promotes renewed attractiveness.

The specific objective of the project is to rebalance the school population of 12 institutions in 3 territorial areas (North Milan, Brianza, Garbagnatese) by 3%, making families more aware of their choice through shared and inclusive strategies, directly involving at least 4000 students.


The project targets juvenile offenders reported to the judicial authority and already in the care of USSM or territorial social services. Juveniles up to the age of 21 who have committed crimes as minors and are under judicial authority or minors with ongoing administrative proceedings at risk of slipping into the criminal justice system can also be taken in charge. The project aims to offer an early intervention perspective on phenomena of juvenile deviance, intercepted particularly in school and informal settings, as well as reported by Social Services and Juvenile Justice Services. Educational and restorative support interventions to acts of deviance are also carried out before criminal proceedings are initiated and as soon as a report is made to the judicial authorities. The project involving 5 areas in the Southwest of the Metropolitan City of Milan, 5 areas in the Province of Monza-Brianza and the Province of Pavia.


In the municipalities of the Vimercate and Trezzo sull’Adda ambits adhering to the Local Youth Plan project, we work, in synergy with local governments, for the development of recreational opportunities for young people, for the enhancement of their creative talent and for the construction of an inclusive society, for the reinforcement of technical and transversal skills that facilitate access to quality learning and employment, for the promotion of an increase in youth protagonism and active citizenship practices, with a focus on environmental sustainability and the themes of the 2030 program agenda.


Through a consortial “cooperative alternation” model, we offer pathways linked to active projects and services on very diverse issues: school dropout, juvenile criminal, participatory culture, communication.

The goals of the cross-skills and orientation pathways are:

– to bring to the attention of the new generations the characteristics and potential of working in social work, making them acquire not only skills related to knowing how to do but also and above all to knowing how to be in a complex and globalized society;

– to offer schools, and consequently students and their families, a gradual (from third to fifth high school) and co-constructed alternation pathway to reduce the fragmentation of interventions; to support schools in the search for and insertion of young people in territorial organizations; and to create a structured and coordinated system in the area between for-profit and nonprofit entities that can optimize human and economic resources.


The project “YEP! Youth Equality Participation” addresses the issue of inequalities in youth participation in political and decision-making processes in Italy.

The project has a threefold objective:

1) to gain a better understanding of the processes and mechanisms underlying the development of youth political attitudes and political participation (online and offline);

2) to investigate how the intersection of gender and ethnic background (re)produce inequalities in youth political attitudes and political participation;

3) to highlight how perceptions of discrimination and inequality (ethnic and gender) influence youth political attitudes and participation.

The proposing consortium consists of: University of Milan – lead partner, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, CoNNGI – Coordinamento Nazionale Nuove Generazioni di Italiani and Consorzio Comunità Brianza.


The Presi Bene project aims to is to structure and implement an integrated territorial intervention system, capable of implementing a personalized multidimensional support offer towards minors and young people in complex situations of distress and suffering. The specific objectives are as follows:

-Realization of network devices and strategies for early reporting and timely intervention, to complement the usual channels for taking charge of the distress of 12-17 year olds and 18-21 year olds
-Realization of activities to counter the distress and suffering of boys and young people
-Empowerment of adults’ skills: parents, teachers, educators, sports instructors, others
-Promoting and raising awareness on the topic of prevention and early interception of distress for all actors in the educating community.


The TANDEM project focuses on the development of soft skills and legality education, integrating educational, psychological and inclusion aspects through group and individual interventions.

The project was developed with the collaboration of reporting entities and partners from previous projects, introducing innovations such as Pet Education, synergy with USSM and other similar projects, and an in-house educational group at IPM Beccaria to support juveniles close to freedom.

The recipients of the project are juveniles and adults (for crimes committed by juveniles) under judicial proceedings, awaiting hearing, sentencing or probation. TANDEM also intends to support those who, having finished their journey with criminal services, need further voluntary intake.


The analysis of the territory highlights the disorientation of young people, who are less and less aware of their role in the community and struggling to acquire skills for the adult world.

The goal of the project (active in the territories of Vimercate and Trezzo) is to promote a cultural change in youth policies, leading to a generative approach that fosters the autonomy and protagonism of young people. This requires dedicated training for operators and participation in regional coordinations to share best practices and operational support.

An innovative system is expected to be created with a new network of Informagiovani services, with itinerant Hubs and Antennae to ensure proximity to young people. Informagiovani will be centers for promoting initiatives and surveying needs, adapting interventions to the needs that emerge.


The P.IL.O.T. (Protagonism, Free Information, Orientation, Time) project aims to promote innovative interventions in Desio through the active involvement of young people. It is structured around these thematic areas:

– Having a Voice: Creation of an amateur youth newsroom to give young people a channel of communication.

-Taking Direction: Development of a coordinated system of training and employment guidance with the participation of training agencies, municipalities and employment centers, integrating existing practices and involving young people in the design and implementation of innovative guidance practices

-Living Places: Creating inclusive and welcoming spaces for young people where they can meet, design and manage activities, with a focus on the intercultural aspect and the involvement of young people with migrant backgrounds.

IDEAL: Inclusion goal!

The project, active in the Desio area, targets 300 disabled minors, among those in the care of services, but in a condition of double disadvantage. The goal is to ensure that minors have access to services/opportunities with public-private collaboration. Health services for early diagnosis and accompaniment are saturated, the realities are few and the wait very long.

The goal of the project is to create 3 inclusive educational spaces dedicated to leisure and training. The case manager involves families, prepares IEPs and supports siblings by networking them and stimulating their participation. Inclusion trainings are planned for local traders, with certification of skills.

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